Today was the sort of day I remember too well - Confidant: 47: A Typical Saturday (
Minutiae I know but that is what makes up the tapestry of life, non?!
We wake up and go to home | parkrun UK.
Over the years it is my lead she has followed in getting some regular exercise - previously there would be nothing.
We come back home about 11 am.
I then cut the grass till about 2:30 pm - we have a big garden!! - with a short break for lunch - which is a couple of fried frankfurters that, admittedly, she makes.
At lunch I say that I might go and watch some of my former cricket team play after I finish the garden. 'Come back and then we can go shopping.' Why I have to follow behind her while she does the shopping I have no fucking clue - this is a new thing!
I suggest a pork roast for dinner and I calculate that if we want dinner at about 7:30 pm we don't really have time for a big shop as the roast takes time. So, I suggest we go to the big shop tomorrow. I'll just get stuff for the dinner.
'You don't buy the right things. I will give you a list.'
'Never mind,' I say. 'I won't go to the cricket, tell me when you are ready and we can go to the shops.'
Ten minutes later. 'I don't have time to go to the shops right now as I am waiting for a call. You have to go and here is the list.'
Of course, being in one of her moods, when I come back, the mushrooms are bad, the ham is the wrong sort, as is the bread.
I start to cook. 'Not like that.' - so she starts interfering and, therefore, delaying.
I have brought two big and one medium potatoes to make mash. I start with peeling two as that will be enough. 'Peel and boil all three - that's the only thing I have to eat.' There are also carrots and broccoli - though she does not eat broccoli. Of course, there is mash left-over at the end.
Cook the dinner, prepare the table, call her and my son. 'I will do the clearing up,' she declares. And then goes and sits on the fucking computer to get some information for a family friend.
While I leave the dishes in the sink - I am not competent to fill the dishwasher - I clear up the rest of the kitchen and put the leftovers away.
It is now 9:30 pm. The sink is still to be done and then she will get to putting clothes in the wash. All day she has done precisely zero value add while sitting in front of the laptop doing fuck knows what - but, no doubt, will feel she has worked hard as she has left everything for the end of the day.
Do all the work, obviously get nothing right and get all the pain.
Remember ... do not forget. This is why you have to leave. Because Confidant: 207: "water is not dry” ( - people are who they are.