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Thursday 1 October 2015

62: Is this a balanced person?

‘There are a couple of long phone calls in your account – give me your phone.’

It’s B.’s number. You promised you would not call.’

‘I did not. I said I would not be giving up my friends for you.’

(this is two calls over four weeks by the way - I assume an affair would have calls every day and probably from my work phone rather than my personal one which is open to her?)

‘You have cheated on me with her.’

‘I have used her as a confidant, yes. But there is nothing other than friendship.’

‘She is trying to entrap you.’

‘No she is not – we are friends. And you have done this time and again with other people, long before B. turned up.’

(I have been having some problems on the sexual front – erectile dysfunction.)

‘No doubt you have talked to her about your impotence as well?’


‘Why didn’t you tell me this when we got married?’


‘That you are impotent. Of course you are not having an affair – you are impotent.’

‘You have clearly told me I am a failure in every sense. I cannot think about that if I have to function and earn a living.’

‘What is wrong with her?’

‘She does not know.’

‘Hope she dies. But then you will be heartbroken.’

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