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Saturday 27 December 2014

47: A Typical Saturday

She sleeps in till 10.

I wake up with our son, spend some time with him, give him breakfast. I always create the New Year's card and so I do that. Go to the shops, cook lunch. Spend more time in the afternoon with him, get him showered and practice piano, do a couple of hours of ironing, prepare dinner. By this time she has done little else other than read a newspaper, berated him for lack of tidiness - when clothes and mess abound - and spent time on Facebook - doesn't even shower till just before dinner.

And it is not as if this is exceptional - as I have noted before, this is often the case. And I don't mind at all. What I do mind is  that still I feel that I can do no right.

I started a new assignment recently at work. The boss turned out to be an absolute bully and I have decided to walk away and the reason is very clear - it is his behaviour. That may sound precious but at least a dozen people have come over to sympathise and two of his senior leadership team have come around - one to thank me for being so 'brave' and another to say that he feels like a minion. As at home, I was afraid of what I would do wrong rather than have the environment in which to feel confident that I could shine.

But what I can do at work I cannot do at home. There is no possibility of walking away - only of surviving and protecting myself and our son.

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