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Monday 27 May 2024

214: A small note - the selfish me

Have been writing more than usual lately.

Have started speaking to contacts and friends and considering the possibility of 'what next?' My son is in the middle of his exams and university should be near. So, more thinking is natural!

And this short note is to consider whether I am reaching a conclusion about what has been my life. 

In navel gazing getting ready for a book club - Confidant: 206: Readying for a book club ( - and often saying that I 'rationalise' what I consider to be my lack of success through stating that I have 'chosen' a balanced life, I wonder if I'm just being pretentious?

You see, life is made of so much chance - our agency is pretty limited. So, ultimately, through a combination of luck and work and decisions, we have ended up with a nice house, a comfortable life and a strong educational base for our son.

On a selfish note, I have spent time at home and played a full part in my son's life and supported - more than supported - our life at home. In the end we die - I am happy with how life has treated me. I know that now as, I think, I always have done. Confidant: 141: In the words of Don McLean, The Day the Music Died - April 2000 (

But I now need to be confident in that feeling and not apologise - and who cares anyway!!! xx

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