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Friday 25 March 2016

89 - Something in the Newspaper

This was in the newspaper last week March 2016 - The Guardian - husband whom I can't leave and while the gender is opposite and the issues are not exactly parallel, some bits struck a chord.

'Your work has always come first. In times of distress, I have been left feeling unloved and unworthy.' In my case, work has absolutely not come first. Support at home has come first and I/we have been fortunate that this has been possible while maintaining a very decent lifestyle.

'We don’t have blazing rows, neither of us is violent and we co-parent well enough. So, it doesn’t feel as if I have a good enough reason to tear their lives apart other than my own inner torment and, I admit, your complete frustration with me.' An echo.

'What compelled me to write this letter was a cold. Yes, a pathetic cold. I have been sneezing and coughing all weekend, while trying to ensure that the kids are fed and watered and the household runs smoothly. Not once have you asked if I’m OK or offered to do the kids’ bedtime routine, or even suggested I might have a Sunday lie-in instead of you, God forbid.' Makes me laugh - have always been on hand and week-end lie-ins for her were standard until maybe two years ago. I look back recently to 79 - Now Let's See and 47 - A Typical Saturday

Nowhere in that article does the lady say, 'you did not buy me gifts.' In the fundamentals, I believe I did ok.

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