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Monday 14 March 2016

84 - Little Things that Amuse and Sadden

We are coming back from somewhere and we are talking about this and that - very peaceable.
She talks about some members of my family. 'I should have more in common with them but I would much rather spend time with my friends (mothers from school) who are so much more positive, outgoing and fun.'
And that's fine, of course. One doesn't have to get on with one's family or in-laws.
So, she says to our son, 'don't be a grumpy person. Grumpy people are not liked.'
He responds, 'So people will not like you.'
'You think I am grumpy?'
Another example of her being completely oblivious to the fact that what she is with others is different to who she is with us.
This goes with at least two other incidents I may have written about.
  1. There was a storm some months ago which was big enough to be given a name. 'If you don't behave, Storm Desmond will blow you away,' she says one evening to our son. 'No, it will blow you away and dad and I will live happily every after.'
  2. In an English homework, making up dialogue, he attributes some immodest words to a very self-effacing woman. The teacher asks, 'Would she really say those words, a quiet woman like that?' My wife asks him the same question. 'You would,' he responds.
Many years ago, she burnt some rice and we still ate it but it did have a burnt smell. 'It is only social conditioning that says rice should not smell burnt.' If I had burnt it ...?

She spills milk over her yoga mat in the trunk of the car. No problem. If I had done it ...? The consequences do not bear thinking about.

I know I am being petty but the consistent inconsistencies are mind boggling.

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