A letter I almost wrote and sent to my cousin who is nearest
to me in age, and with whom I have shared confidences in the past.
Dear X
Not sure why I am writing this letter. Perhaps I am thinking
back to a simpler time when I used to write to you – a time when all of life
was ahead and decisions were full of possibilities to be looked forward to
rather than mistakes to regret.
It is a Saturday evening and M. and P. are upstairs. I was
doing some work, when I felt like writing. It’s been another traumatic day in a
long line of traumatic days. She continues to accuse me of having had an affair
with a colleague / friend. I continue to say, ‘I have not’ – and I truly
haven’t. Yes, I have used her as a confidant and she has shared stuff with me
but there is only friendship. She accused me the other day of having done
something to my Facebook account that ensured that stuff she put on with both
her and me could not be seen. I showed her that I had made no changes. That my
friend was no longer a Facebook ‘friend’. None of that was good enough. So I
lost my temper and said that she could stay in her world – there was nothing I
could do about it. Surely I am not such a bad person.
In the midst of all this shit, I have to work, keep my job
and earn a living. Over the summer she suddenly decided that she wanted to
work. Having been out of the market for so long, possibly an administrative
role would be appropriate – I didn’t dare say this, a recruiter did. But, no,
with her fucking Cambridge degree, that would be beneath her. She suggested
that I really would not be happy if someone from a low grade university came
along to do my job. How could I explain that, firstly, in England, the origin
of a degree ceases to matter within months of starting work. And, secondly, I,
personally, couldn’t give a shit where people studied so long as they do good
work. How is a degree of 25 years ago even minutely relevant?
Have you heard of anyone who decides which gym to go to
based on the fact that there are private school mums there rather than state
school ones?!!!!
I tried to help by making a contact with a friend in an NGO
– someone who likes helping people. Has she been in touch with her? Has she
The only way I can function and work productively is ignore
what it going on at home. I have always put home first and work second – and
been fortunate enough to be able to do that while meeting material needs. And I
believed I had met my objectives of being a close dad and a supportive husband.
But I clearly failed in the latter.
This evening she was unwell and so, initially, I offered to
cook. ‘No.’ I offered to clear up and suggested she go up to bed. ‘No, I am ok
now. I have to do this anyway ….’. Later she asks, ‘Are you going downstairs to
work?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Ok, so I can watch what I want.’ Where does this victimhood come
from? Where have I ever imposed my views or been less than helpful?
This from a woman who never vacuumed even when we did not
have our son. Never cleaned the toilets, hardly ironed. I did all that. I did
the night feeds, stayed up when our son was ill or woke up, cut his hair, read
bed-time stories. We have a cleaner now and have had for ten years. So where is
the stress? Where is this martyrdom?
I know I am not being very supportive psychologically and
that is because I have lost all capacity to be empathetic/sympathetic. I have
given it my all and been found wanting. But, physically, I am making an effort.
By going to the gym, I was accused of having ‘fun.’ So I’ve stopped and am
supporting her going. I continue to do most of the ironing. I have changed
roles and moved away from the friends she was jealous of – though I have said
that I will continue to be friends. I am, like I have done before, drawing in
on myself again when these last few years I have tried to make some space for
myself. But I owe this to our son because I cannot give him up or leave him to
her mercies.
Currently, of course, she believes I have been having an
affair with B.. Not true. But, as I pointed out, I have a letter from about
2000 where she used the word ‘hate’ in the context of my sister-in-law. Then
came the friend I used to share a house with, you, other friends and so on and
so on - jealousy and anger. She does not know what will make her happy and only control will do. And any closeness with others is a threat.
Is there any scenario out of this? I cannot afford to
divorce without reducing our son’s lifestyle and that would be unfair. Could
she find someone else and leave us? Oh, to dream of such a moment.