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Friday 2 October 2015

64: Appointments and Assignations - whom do I meet?

So I was taken to task for having spoken to B. over the phone.

I thought I would take a quick look at my diary. Over the last four weeks or so:

Spoke to B. over the phone as she has been very unwell and not in the office

L. (older female – catch up and drinks)
R. (male – coffee re: possible new opportunity)

S. (male – coffee re: bringing him in to a new opportunity)

P. (male – catch – up breakfast over work issues)
C. (male – breakfast to help with an interview)

R. (male – lunch – general catch up)

J. (male – walk to discuss next steps for his career)
P. (male - discussing 360 review for him and how he is starting a new role)
G. (male - discussing 360 review for him)

D. (male - gone to another organisation - breakfast catch-up)

M. (female - colleague from an old team - catch-up and support)

I do not think I am duty bound to clear every meeting I have.
B. is just one of several friends whom I meet and try to help or get help from.
But what is the point of debating all that – why let facts get in the way of a good story?

With one of the above (a male) I shared some of my travails. He then sent me a message - obviously unprompted:

Morning. Feeling a bit useless that I can't do more to help but don't forget, here to help in any way I can. In all the time I've known you, you have always looked out for everyone else. That's a rare and special quality and I am grateful to be a prime beneficiary. Chin up Mr B. You're a good man with good friends to support you.

Oh, and I suddenly found my wallet emptied the other day. Presumably she was looking for receipts that would show that I had spent money on B.? Found nothing suspicious because there is nothing going on.

Reminds me that many years ago she did find a receipt for a gift token I had bought for my god-daughter who must have been 12 or so about then.

'You buy gifts for your god-daughter but not for your son.'

Really?!!! Anyone who knows us will know how much of an insult and travesty that is.

(I think this was driven from the fact that the god-daughter's mother - who was my friend initially - is somehow not liked by M. - too provincial. But there is an excuse not to like virtually any of my friends - so nothing new there.)

But, to my shame, I said nothing, hunkered down and did not buy another present and, for sure, have neglected my god-father duties. But there were just so many harangues I could take without adding another one.

Maybe I will explain to C. one day...

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