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Tuesday 23 July 2019

143: Talking about Others

We know a couple with a background not a million miles removed from us. Let us call him X and she Y.

To me X & Y seem very compatible with similar tastes and a mutual liking for each other.

'Oh,' my wife says, 'I saw pictures of Y on Facebook with some of her friends. She looks so happy - she never looks like that in photos with X. Not saying their marriage was a mistake but she will not be happy with him. She made a mistake.'

This is somewhat ironic given that that was the very same accusation made against me. That in my Facebook photographs I look much happier with others than I do with her. So, going by the same rules, I made a mistake!!!

What is this about judging others and never, ever doing a bit of self-assessment and having even a modicum of self-awareness!!

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