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Tuesday 20 August 2024

218: A Fabulous Day

 August 15, 2024 - our 25th wedding anniversary!!!

Well, it is in fact a day to celebrate as what we do have out of our marriage - and what gives my life any meaning - is our son.

Confidant: 114 - Dear Son - a letter to say 'thanks' (

Confidant: 68: Our Son, our lovely, lovely son (

And August 15 was his A Level results day.

And he did very, very well.

He's off to Imperial College, London to study Mechanical Engineering - and his friends did well too.

The end of school, a fantastic conclusion.

I could not be happier for him. He worked really hard and put in tons of effort - and was rewarded.

A relief for me as I did not want him to be disappointed and I am sure a boost for him as he walks towards his ambitions.

And his Maths teacher sent me a lovely note - can't add more to that: 

It was a pleasure to meet you and your family again today too! I just hope my sons turn out as intelligent, funny and likeable like (your son). It has been a real pleasure to teach him and I hope he pops in to update us from time to time.


Bittersweet – sad to see him leave, but bigger and better adventures await for him!


All the best



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