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Friday 15 March 2024

205: Going out with a friend and the end of days

 A very pleasant evening gong out to a stand-up show - with the friend that I have in the past been accused of having an affair with - Confidant: 62: Is this a balanced person? ( (not true by the way - have not had an affair!)

Our son passed his driving test a couple of weeks ago. A huge (and not huge) thing this - as he had failed a few times last summer. He is also coming up to the end of his school life.

I turned 55 last December.

None of the above are really connected but, somehow, it seems like the 'end of days'. Some sort of phase is coming to an end. I was - partly - sharing this with my brother in law (a physicist) and he said that, in physics, ends of phases are associated with what are known as 'critical points'.

A big six months coming up - important but, in the grand scheme of things, not important as well.

Son and his school finals? How will he do, where will he go for university?

What will I do?

Will I be successful in getting an assignment abroad? Will I have the courage to make the break and move out?

Not important because comfortable first world problems and non-health problems - one friend is going in for a prostrate cancer operation and another lost her life to cancer recently - are not problems at all. But, at the same time, they matter because each has our journey and we, if we can afford it, perhaps deserve to give ourselves the chance to be ..... free? content? without fear?

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