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Monday 22 August 2022

184: On the cusp ...

This will appear petty, ok? And it is in many ways. But these are the straws that break our back or remind us that a few minutes or days of peace cannot make up for the drip, drip, drip of pain - Confidant: 170: My fault but is it just me ....? ( 180: A Timely Reminder ( - and hypocrisy - Confidant: 182: Really?! Fuck it ... (

A couple of Fridays ago and it is a hot, sunny day. She has gone to work and I am expecting her back at the usual time in the evening. I notice that the washing machine is full of wet clothes. So, I take them out and put them out to dry on the racks.

I joke with our cleaner that, no doubt, I have done this incorrectly and that I will be scolded on my return.

And, yes, that is exactly what happens. 

'I did not ask you to do this. You do this and I just have to redo it. You are not helping, you are just increasing my work.' And all in that loud, haranguing tone.

Then, suddenly, there is another angry shout. I have, apparently, put away the frying pans in the wrong order.

At that point, I have to say that I was on the cusp of saying to her that 'enough is enough'. 

I, still though, did not learn my lesson.

On Sunday, we had 8 people over for lunch - my friends and their partners but she knows and likes them too. I made all the arrangements, I did all the cooking. She did load the dishwasher.

But, with 8 people and dishes and plates, one load was not enough. So, Monday morning, I come down, clear out the washed dishes and place the next load.

She comes down and I get all the diatribe again. She takes everything out and re-orders. I had checked that the plastics were dishwasher suitable but, no, I was stupid to place them there. 

So, I have decided to stop putting the frying pans where they belong and loading the dishwasher - I am clearly incompetent. And it is just plain wrong to do the work when all it results in is more work for her, right?

And, once again, later in the evening it was all sweetness and light. She may forget - I do not.

Fuck it ...

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