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Wednesday 13 January 2016

74 - Back to Spending Money we should Avoid for now

‘We need a new garage door.’ ‘Need to put the TV on the wall and not on that IKEA low shelf.’

Ok, the garage door is broken but I would have thought decorating a room or carpeting the stairs or checking out damp would have come first.
‘You’re ok with this?’ ‘Because it feels like you’re happy with IKEA.’ ‘No one has a TV like we do. They all have mounted on the wall. It looks a mess.’
Sure, let’s go ahead, I think to myself. It’s only money.
Is the house impeccable? All rooms spick and span and tidy? A showroom? No, no and no. (not that I care but it is the double standards.)
But I say nothing. If I did, she would simply take that as a challenge, try to meet it and poor time management will lead to yet more stress – to the ultimate detriment of our son and me.
It is perfectly possible to have a beautiful home without continually buying stuff. It is, as ever, never her – it is the environment not allowing her to shine. The fact that the TV room has clothes strewn all over is presumably because the TV is not on a wall?! And it is beneath her to make an un-beautiful room, beautiful?
And, of course, once again, this is a dig at my alleged taste – ‘you look as if you’re happy with IKEA.’
Perhaps I am. Perhaps I do let function over-rule form. Perhaps I worry about money and affordability. Perhaps I am (too) easily satisfied. Perhaps I care less about what others are doing and I have less need to compare myself.

I am sorry I am such a disappointment and a failure.

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