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Monday 21 December 2015

69: Things have reached a head - am broken

I thought I had deleted a Christmas party picture from my phone but, clearly, I had not. It was a picture of two of my close friends and me – one of them being the one she thinks I am having an affair with.  

I happened to leave the phone at home one day, she went into the phone, looked through the pictures, found it, blew up and asked for a divorce. 

(March 2016 note: Now I know that I had deleted the perfectly innocent, but incriminating in her eyes, picture. She would have gone into my phone and opened up a folder I did not even know existed - Recently Deleted Photos.)

Irony is that I did not even take the picture – it was sent from another phone and something must have happened in the messaging that it went into my photos folder.

 I wasn’t hiding. She knew I was going to a party with my old team and that they would be there.

You could argue that I should have refused the photograph or not gone to the party – the latter was what she said. But I have not told my friends the detail of our issues and feel no need to hunker down and be a slave; which  I have been guilty of before.

But, you know what – it was a blessing in disguise.

So, after thinking it over for a couple of days, I said ‘ok’ but that – for our son's sake, and to maintain his lifestyle – divorce was out of the question financially. But I could no longer take the constant anger and stress.
So, separate rooms and mental separation – I no longer want to worry about what she thinks.

Who knows where this will lead.

I know I am being cruel but I simply cannot cope any more.

I have been saying that I need to do something but have been at a loss as to what that could be - bizarrely, she is the one who has now given me the idea.



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