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Wednesday 15 March 2017

113: Our Son

We are coming up to a year since the last Mother’s Day when she went incandescent  and I struggled to get my son to sign a card for her – let alone anything more. Things are much better now and I will leave to our son what he wants to give his mother – though I will get her a card. Where to eat? I will not guess what is appropriate. I have suggested she and I go somewhere but she wants our son to decide. Wonder how it will all pan out. 

For Father's Day – a couple of months later – of his own volition he created a little book for me and said, specifically, that there were no pictures of his mum in it. That may have been the trigger for a review of what she was doing to herself and to us – and things have been much better since. 

It seems a nightmare what has happened – particularly through 2014, ’15 and the early part of ’16 but actually much longer. We happened to be watching a TV Show the other day called Catastrophe about a rather turbulent marriage. One line was that he was saying to her that ‘she went nuclear’ when he admitted to flirting with one of his colleagues and kicked him out. She had been indiscreet in turn and all ‘a man’ could do was grin and bear it  and get on with it. My wife – probably – has not had an affair or a fling but, overall, that is how I feel and felt for so many years; that I just had to bear it. 

I have not flirted let alone have an affair but I really would not mind if she did something – truly. Anything to create this distance and reduce the dependency. 

Anyway, some good news. The school our son goes to is fee paying and the numbers were going up from the coming September. He, however, has done well enough to have been awarded a 50% scholarship which will be materially helpful. Credit goes to her as well as she has been diligent with homework and exam papers and so on. 

I said to him that a family is a team with shared responsibilities. He contributed simply through being him but he should know that now he was making a material difference to our lives and that we thanked him. She later said that she liked what I had said.
Mother’s Day is stressing me out … let’s see.

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