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Saturday 30 August 2014

Entry 34: a week back

They have been back a week and mostly it has gone well - though I am very tired!!

The day after arrival I had booked a local pub lunch for 1 pm - intending to set off at 12:30. Of course, we did not leave till 12:50. When she had had nothing to do other than get ready. 

I have taken the week off and so it has continued through the week. The house is a mess again, procrastination everywhere. I have done 95% or more of cooking, looking after our son, cooking for her cousin who came to visit, she has not woken up before 10 any morning - 11 yesterday - but the drama is all her's and the instructions are never ending. 

Going out for a party tonight and - jokingly - I mentioned that she would not be allowed to go unless the front hall was  cleared of her suitcases. They are still there!!

It is the double standards that get me. Had I or our son been tasked with something, we would not hear the end of it until done. 

I go back to my supposition that routine work bores her. But finding and booking cheap tickets for our holiday, getting points for an hotel booking, ordering a dress for a party - all done. 

I was going to the gym anyway but now I know (or rather, remember) why it is necessary to do so - just to get away from the constant instructions and being treated like an incompetent. 

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