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Sunday 10 December 2023

201: A Last set of family Christmas cards?

 In this house, I do the Christmas cards. 

I sit down with my little address book and pen a little note in each one - some people I will have met in the year, mostly, not. 

This has been something of a nostalgia year as I have gone back to school for a reunion and met 'kids' I had not seen in 38 years; returned to where I worked for many years and saw colleagues for the first time in decades. Nevertheless, it is a nice ritual and helps me to keep in touch.

Except one year - perhaps 2015 - close to the most traumatic year of my married life - Confidant: 61: Huge row - getting worse (

'You will not send Christmas cards this year - we will not play happy families.' Fair enough - and I did not.

I remain of the notion that for my survival, I / we have to separate. 

I have remained in the home because I could not face living away from our son - that would have been a wrench I could not cope with; I have stayed because of me and not, in any way, 'sacrificed' because of him. 

There are also more prosaic reasons to do with not having the material wealth to maintain a big house, a wife not working (for most of these years) and private education of £20k a year!

I look back to an old entry of some years ago - am still here and it has not been terrible. Confidant: 150: Irritations and the Future (

So, come September 2024, will I have the courage to leave? To take the cruel step? 

She is working now and enjoying her time. Hopefully she will have a life of her own at least and something to expand into - she will be only 51.

Ideally, perhaps, she will want to leave me! When I eventually bring up the subject, perhaps she will have been expecting it. I don't know.

But every period has a series of 'lasts'. My son told me that last week was the last school rugby match he will play - next term, the sport switches to football and then his school career ends in the summer.

So, will this be the last set of family Christmas cards?

The thought of writing to everyone and informing them that we have separated fills me not with dread but actual excitement. Let us see.

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