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Friday 30 September 2016

100: Why the Turnaround?

A century of posts - something of a milestone, I guess ...

So, why this dramatic turnaround.

She, herself, called this a Buddha under the Bodhi tree moment - I had termed it a Damascene conversion.

There was an offer from our internet provider to create a little booklet of photographs. She asked me to make a little one up for our boy from his baby photographs - apparently he had been talking about this offer and looking at photographs from his childhood. She wanted me to make it a surprise.

So, I did and left it on his bed one morning. I saw him calmly put it on his mother's bedside table - she and I were still in separate rooms at the time. He did not appear excited.

I was going away for my annual golf week-end and asked my wife to try and find out if everything was ok.

I came back and she said all was good and that I would find out everything the following week-end - which happened to be Father's Day.

So, on the following Saturday, we have had our rapprochement and I am back in our room. Our son bounds onto the bed on the Sunday morning and he is clearly delighted with everything. He then hands me a little booklet - another one with photographs, addressed 'To Dad' and with pictures of him as a baby or him and me together.

Now, I had struggled to get him to sign a card for Mother's Day. Here he was taking the time to create a little book for me and getting his mum to order it for Father's Day.

In the evening he says to me, 'That book was my idea and there are no pictures of mum inside.'

'I know,' I reply. 'You are very brave and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.'

Was it that one moment which lit a light bulb? Did she see that she might lose her child as well as her husband?

The truth is, I don't know. Perhaps this was it, perhaps this was a trigger and a whole host of other assumptions and accusations came tumbling down. Again I do not know.

The point is, we now have a peaceful relationship, she and he are better and he can see that she and I are better.

How long will it last?

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