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Monday 1 March 2021

168: Confrontation 3

 Haven't written for a while - been quite depressed. Like everyone else I suppose.

The dog-days of January have not helped - still in lock-down, terrible weather, uncertainty on work contracts. 

So, while our son fell below his usual high standards at the end of the winter term, he received good reports in the front half of the spring term. 'If your child were to get G in all subjects, we would be delighted', was the school's marking scheme - and he did.

But two weeks running, a few weeks ago, there was some reason for Her to get angry and go on and on and on at our son. This time I lost my temper. 'How is it that every weekend we have to put up with this tension? Why do you think shouting at him will make him do as you want?' 

I was expecting some comeback, but there wasn't any. I don't kid myself that she saw reason in some way or that, because I do not lose it often, that she had some second thoughts. No, it was just one of those things and I am sure resentment and anger is boiling up somewhere.

Our son is not perfect - he could be a little less stubborn and selfish but he is 15 - and, certainly, shouting at him is not a solution to anything.

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