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Sunday 13 September 2020

163: Someone finds me attractive (!)

 I have thought long and hard before putting this up - but, as this is a picture of my life, I decided to do so in the end.

Someone - a woman - I have known for a very long time, and we keep in touch anyway, said that she 'needed' to speak to me.

We had a conversation but I did not feel that we had addressed the issue she needed to discuss.

Another conversation - another unsatisfactory conclusion.

Ultimately she wrote to say that for some while now she had been physically attracted to me and, despite the dangers of sharing this, she wanted to let me know. 'Fuck it, you need to know.'

This, for me, was an unique situation - never happened to me. I have always considered myself to be short, fat and ugly and have never considered that anyone could be attracted to me physically. I am a nice enough guy and try to look after myself, but this was different.

I was able to share back - genuinely - that in our younger days I had had something of a crush on her myself!! And I thanked her for sharing and for saying something to me that meant so much to me.

We now talk more regularly. She is married happily and even though that is not the case for me, even when I split, a long-term relationship would be the last thing I would be looking for - to place an ounce of my 'happiness' into someone else's hand and to be even minutely, formally accountable for someone else's is now beyond me.

But, lovely of her to say what she did and lovelier still to make that connection as the feeling was mutual.

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